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Support us

Mesovounia Nature Reserve & Sanctuary is completely dependant on the contributions of friends and kind strangers for its upkeep and the care of its many residents. 100% of your donation will go directly towards regenerating the land, and providing food and water to the animals, as well as medicine, infrastructure, transportation & emergencies.


If you wish to support our efforts, please take a look at the following options below. 


All residents of Mesovounia(from the chickens, to the insects, to the humans), thank you from the bottom of our heart to support this cause!

Donate here

Thank you! Your contributions not only help to feed, shelter, and provide veterinary care for our residents, but help support our regenerative project. We are a non-profit (AMKE) organisation, so all the money of the donation will go back into the project. Please see below how to donate: â€‹

  • By Bank: IBAN: GR50 0172 7120 0057 1210 4419 702  Name: Mesovounia Nature Reserve & Sanctuary SWIFT-BIC: PIRBGRAA

  • Monthly: We have a Patreon account, which you could help with any amount as small or big as you like (and cancel anytime). Please click this link for more information:


In-Kind Donations


We are always looking for in-kind donations, such as an animal food delivery (hay/corn/

fruit/bran), building supplies, trees and plants, heritage seeds, fencing, tools, wheelbarrows, your skilled services (construction, merchandise screenprinting, etc), mulching machine, wood, animal playground equipment, sheds(for animals and storage) and any other functioning farm equipment. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation, please contact us on 

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